We offer safe sanctuary to a wide variety of animals needing rehabilitation. We have over 250 residents on the farm right now, including: donkeys, goats, pigs, dogs (including blind dogs, combat/fighting dogs, and survivors of abuse and neglect), rodents, birds rescued from accidents and abuse, chickens, ducks, geese, and many cats who make the farm their home with no invitation!
We work with children from varying backgrounds, including children with different learning abilities, with autism, those in therapy, at risk youth, and more. The children help feed, clean, and take care of each animal with inspiring compassion.
We rely on volunteers for all the work done at the farm - and we simply would not exist without your valuable donations.
Please Open your Heart and donate. your donation helps save the farm and all its furry and feathery residents lives.
Donate by Bank Transfare:
Hapoalim 12
Branch 675
account no. 421470
על שם חוות קרן-אור (ע"ר)
Donate via IBAN:
Account Name - KEREN OR FARM (A"R)

Thank You
The association has received approval for section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance, which stipulates that anyone who has donated more than 190 NIS to a public institution or to a number of public institutions is entitled to an income tax credit for that year!
Now our dear donors will be able to both donate to animal rescue and also receive a tax credit!
Cancellation / Transaction Policy: The executor may contact the nonprofit to request billing information and to cancel a transaction. A transaction can be canceled within 30 days of the contribution being made on the Internet or by telephone under the Consumer Protection Act 1981. The nonprofit will make the necessary change in accordance with the policy at the time at the credit company. If the credit company charges the association with a commission for the operation, the executor will be charged with such commission. The nonprofit will cancel or change a donation amount at the donor's request.