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Sukkot Fair

Monday, Sukkot, 9/24/2018

From 09:30 to 14:00

At Keren Or Farm in Hod Hasharon

Tickets are sold out!

Please arrive only if you have booked tickets in advance.


how fun!!

The Tishrei holidays are upon us, and with them the festivities!
This year, as every year, we will meet for a fun, happy, contributing and compassionate Sukkot fair, _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
A holiday that is all about the added value of caring and love.

"And spread out our sukkah of peace"

One of the main motifs on Sukkot is peace, which is reflected in the customs of the holiday and the Jewish thought associated with it:

Peace between man and himself;

Peace between man and man;

Peace between man and nature;

Peace within the Jewish people, between groups and factions and different types of Jews;

Peace between the people of Israel and the other nations and between all the nations of the world._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

This coming Sukkot we will celebrate a very special happening at Keren Or Farm which is all about the value of peace between man and nature.


At the happening we will open our arbor and invite you all, with the little ones of course,
Come and meet all our friends who walk on two, three and four,
Until they reached the farm.

Let's meet the cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the goose the returning goose,

Omar Gadya the Bouncing,

Tamar the cart that hugs,

Chickens that first saw the light of day here,

One pig,   unique and special,

And many more animals!


So what will we have at the fair?


Guided tours with explanations of each of the farm's farm animals
- Makeup stand for children
- Creative stalls for children - Preparation of Sukkot and hiding places for the children of the farm
Unique children's sessions

Vegan and varied food stalls
- Smoothies and fresh fruit

more and more!

So what are you waiting for?
Come for a fun day for all the family and friends,
And on the way to donate and do good deeds!

All proceeds from the fair are a donation that allows us to continue to save, to continue  and to take care of the wonderful animals on the farm.

Tickets are sold out!

Please arrive only if you have booked tickets in advance.

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